rob mclennan reads and reviews The Sisters

Many thanks to rob mclennan who has a post up on his blog about The Sisters. He states, “these are charming, even delightful story-poems that play with children’s storytelling.” i especially appreciate his contextualizing the book within a cohort of other poets doing similar work: Shannon Bramer, Stephanie Bolster, Laura Walker, Eve Joseph, and Katie Fowler.

From rob: “there are shadows that unfurl, unfold, through these pages, and hardly bloodless, echoing the best of what those Brothers Grimm might have salvaged.”

Jordan WindholzComment
David Woo reviews The Sisters at Lit Hub!

David Woo has reviewed The Sisters in Lit Hub, listing it as one of seven books of poetry to read this October. As this book is finding its way into the world, I have often found myself not quite having the words to say what it has meant to me and what I hope it might offer readers. There’s so much generosity in Woo’s review: he uncovers the words I haven’t been able to find myself and gives them back to me, a gift. Read his review of The Sisters, as well as his review of new books by Jennifer Chang, Janince N. Harrington, Matthew Hollis, Idra Novey, Jimin Seo, and Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon.

Jordan WindholzComment
Get The Word Out!

Poets & Writers announced this year’s cohort of poets chose to participate in the Get the Word Out publicity incubator, and I was lucky enough to be one them. It’s been a minute since I had my feet firmly in the poetry world, and I feel both lucky and excited to be among such incredible talent!

You can read more about the cohort by clicking here.